Why is spelling important?
Online Training
Spotlight on… Base Formula
Working as a Therapist at Home
What is Scent Marketing?
More and more businesses are realising the importance of ‘scent marketing’. Business experts are continually searching for the ‘next big thing’ in the world of branding, promotion and advertising. Until recently, this focused on sights and sounds – but when these senses become saturated, what is left? The answer: smell.
Over the last decade, ‘nebulisation technology’ has developed into a multi-million dollar industry. Forget scented candles and pot-pourri – this is corporate aromatherapy on a grand scale.
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Let’s talk about Massage
Life is stressful — it always has been, and a certain amount of stress is normal. A world completely devoid of stress would be a pretty boring place. But we’re now in a situation where chronic stress has become something of an epidemic. In the UK last year, 17 million working days were lost due to stress, and a new case of work-related stress, anxiety or depression was diagnosed every 2.1 minutes. It’s fair to say that stress has hit an all-time high.
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How to get started as an aromatherapist
Have you read my blog post about how to become an aromatherapist? If so, let’s find out how to get started in your career as a holistic professional.
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