50 Free Essential Oil Resources
So you’ve heard the buzz about essential oils, and you’re interested to know more? It’s hard to know WHERE to begin, right?
For beginners, it can be OVERWHELMING – to the point where you feel like walking away. There seems to be so much to learn, so many dangers, and so much conflicting information.
Perhaps you’ve already dipped your toe into the world of aromatherapy and now you’re hungry to learn more.
Where should we look for quality information? How do we filter out facts from fiction? And do we really need all that kit and paraphernalia to enjoy essential oils?!
Don’t worry! Aromatherapy can be straightforward and accessible for everyone – without spending a fortune. Start small – there’s no need to shell out loads of money at first.
Of course, if you’re looking for specific advice or health information I always recommend booking a consultation with a qualified aromatherapist. But if you’re a home user looking for ways to enjoy using essential oils for pleasure at home, check out this list of trusted resources to help you learn more about essential oils for FREE!
(Note: These resources are aimed at beginners and home users, rather than professionals and advanced users. This is not an exhaustive list, consider it to be a starting off point. There are other excellent sources of learning and information out there – but this article focuses on free resources only)
Expand your knowledge about aromatherapy and essential oils by taking free online courses from trusted training providers. Although not a substitute for professional certification, a free course is the perfect way for beginners to learn more about aromatherapy basics.
Aromahead – Introduction to Essential Oils
Tisserand Institute – How Essential Oils Work in the Body
Blossoms and Blends – Essential Oil Safety
Dr Robert Pappas – The Chemistry of Essential Oils
Aromatic Studies – Introduction to Aromatherapy
YouTube can be a good source of aromatherapy information. Don’t forget you can subscribe for free to keep updated with new videos. Here are some channels to watch:
The English Aromatherapist YouTube channel
The Barefoot Dragonfly YouTube channel
Dr Robert Pappas YouTube channel
Elizabeth Ashley (The Secret Healer) YouTube channel
The most trustworthy and useful aromatherapy websites are listed below:
Marvy Moms Dilution Calculator
Any aromatherapy advice you find on social media should always be taken with a pinch of salt. Facebook is certainly not a place to seek medical advice (read more about that here). That said, there are a few good groups and pages where you can find quality information. My recommendations include:
Robert Tisserand Essential Training
Safe Use of Edens Garden Essential Oils (SUEGEO)
Essential Oil Consumer Safety Advocates
Essential Oils, Herbs and Homeopathy
Animal Aromatherapy (Safe Use)
Essential Oil & Aromatherapy Connoisseur
Lipid Love; Home of the Real Oils
There’s a LOT of free information on my website, The English Aromatherapist. Some useful articles for beginners include:
Top 10 Truths About Essential Oils
Books are an invaluable source of learning for anyone interested in aromatherapy. Libraries are brilliant and often overlooked. I always recommend checking out your local library for aromatherapy books – it’s a great way to experiment before making a purchase. The wider your reading, the better the education! You can access lots of information for free at your local library.
For suggestions on which books to look out for, see these recommended reading lists:
Ology Essentials – Aromatherapy Recommended Reading List
Robert Tisserand Recommended Reading
If you prefer digital material, there are plenty of free aromatherapy ebooks online. Personally, I wouldn’t recommend the majority of free ebooks available on Amazon. Most of them are not written by qualified aromatherapists and contain inaccurate or misleading advice. However, an exception is this free ebook from The Secret Healer series:
The Complete Guide to Clinical Aromatherapy and Essential Oils of the Physical Body by Elizabeth Ashley
I’d love to feature lots of links to useful free aromatherapy apps here – unfortunately, I couldn’t really find any (apart from my own!) There are some reasonable aromatherapy apps out there, but they are not free to download. In my experience, most of the free essential oil apps contain unsafe advice, or are just pretty lousy in general (Click here to read more about aromatherapy apps)
That’s why I created the Essential Oil Blending Tool app, which helps you to create your own aromatherapy blends. I’ve also helped to promote The Aroma App, which is a great way to store your favourite blend recipes and search for blending inspiration. Both are free to download from the App Store (iTunes and Google Play):
There are lots of great aromatherapy blogs out there, which are a handy source of recipes, how-to tutorials and general essential oil advice. Here are some good ones that are regularly updated and feature useful information for home users:
Other Tips
- Remember we can all learn from each other. Education never ends! Don’t let prejudices deter you from seeking out new information. Sometimes it’s useful and enlightening to hear other perspectives and opinions. It can be useful to bounce ideas around with others. Don’t look down on someone for using a particular brand, or for being a newbie to aromatherapy. They might have interesting ideas, blending suggestions or useful links to share.
- Sometimes you’ll spot a free aromatherapy talk advertised in your local community. If you’re a beginner, you might find it a useful opportunity to ask questions and find out more information. However, do be aware that these are often sales-driven events with the aim of recruiting you to join a particular brand. Always check the credentials of the “expert” before following their advice!
- Look out for free webinars and Facebook Live sessions from expert aromatherapists – a great opportunity to ask questions!
- Order from Edens Garden and you’ll receive this amazing free booklet called ‘150 ways to use essential oils’ featuring loads of aromatherapy blends and ideas – fabulous! I know Plant Therapy often sends out free recipe booklets with their essential oils too.
It’s fantastic that we have so many free aromatherapy resources at our fingertips. But, at this point, I think it’s important to mention that free resources will only take you so far. You can’t expect the experts to give away everything for free! And, of course, if you want to pursue a career in aromatherapy, it’s important to undertake professional training.
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