Top 5 Pick-Me-Ups
Road rage, toddler tantrums, family feuds, workplace woes, boyfriend blues, deadline disasters…
…If you’re having one of those days, what are your emergency pick-me-ups? Those little things that provide an instant boost to your mood, taking you from “ARGH!” to “Ahhh…!”
Sometimes the smallest things can make all the difference. What works for you?
It can be helpful to make a list of trusty ’emergency tips’ that never fail to make you feel better. It doesn’t necessarily need to cost any money – the simpler the better! I’m not talking about luxury spa days or extravagant shopping sprees. We all have tried-and-tested life hacks that make us feel instantly better.
Of course, I am using the term ’emergency’ loosely here – I’m not suggesting a bubble bath is going to solve a major life crisis. Without question, there are some problems that call for professional help. I’m simply talking about the challenges of everyday life – those inevitable ups and downs that we all face. Everyone has bad days, stressful times and low points. For these moments, little things can really help to give us a boost when we need it the most!
What makes you happy?
We know we should “do more of what makes us happy” and “follow our bliss”. But when you’re feeling upset or stressed it’s not always easy to think rationally, so it’s useful to have some inspiration to hand. My top tip is to write down your list of emergency pick-me-ups and save it on your phone. When everything is going wrong, whip out your list and take some time out for yourself.
“But I don’t have time…!”
Even if you’re crazily busy and rushed off your feet, there’s always something you can do – remember, you’re worth it! Taking care of our mental health is one of the most important jobs we have. As the World Health Organisation states, “there is no health without mental health“. A bit of regular R&R is absolutely crucial if you want to stay on form.
My Top 5 Pick-Me-Ups
If I’m having a bad day, there are some things that always make me feel better. Here are my trusted pick-me-ups:
Listening to uplifting music always makes me feel better – preferably through headphones, and it must be LOUD! Play whatever makes you feel happy!
2. Fresh Air
Going outside always helps – whether I’m feeling stressed out, depressed or just absolutely fed up! Even better if that means going for a brisk walk. As clichéd as it might sound, the combination of fresh air and exercise never fails to make me feel better. If you’re not convinced, trust me – I am the least sporty person you will meet, and you’ll never catch me going for a run! Just go outside: sit on a bench, walk to the shop, go to the park…it really helps! Even if it’s a grey and cloudy day – well, I do live in England, after all! If the sun’s out, consider it a bonus!
3. Cuppa?
Take a break! Make yourself a cup of tea, a coffee or refreshing beverage of your choice (hey, grab a G&T if that’s your tipple: I’m not here to judge!) I’m a believer of everything in moderation. Of course I’m not suggesting to hit the booze whenever you feel stressed out. But, the occasional glass of wine or cup of coffee can actually be good for you! Sitting down with a cuppa for a chat with a friend can really help lift your spirits.
4. Bath
Is there anything nicer than sinking into a hot bath? Preferably one with some aromatic goodies added to it! Fragrant bath salts, bubble bath, essential oils…anything to enhance the blissful experience! After a long soak, you’ll feel ready to face the world again.
5. Aromatherapy
Last but not least…of course, essential oils are always there to give you a much-needed boost! Well, this is The English Aromatherapist blog, after all! The exact oils to use will very much depend on your individual circumstances and preferences, but here are a couple of my favourite pick-me-up blends: (Always check the relevant safety information before using any essential oils on yourself or others)
- Stressed at your desk, or can’t get to sleep? Take a cotton wool pad: Add 1 drop each of Lavender, Frankincense and Sweet Marjoram. Place it on your desk or bedside table. Enjoy the relaxing aroma as it gently evaporates!
- Create your own relaxing body oil: Blend 1 drop Lavender, 2 drops Mandarin, 2 drops Geranium and 3 drops Sweet Marjoram with 20ml Grapeseed carrier oil. Mix well and massage into the skin (even better if you can get someone else to do it!)
- Make your own personal inhaler or roller blend for an aromatherapy boost when you’re out and about – perfect for travelling stress!
What are your emergency pick-me-ups? Let me know in the comments below!
What to read next: Top 10 Truths About Essential Oils
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